Thursday, April 12, 2018

Drake will rap about Fortnite if.....

The marketing brand I chose was the game company Epic Games, and their flagship game: Fortnite.

During mid March, Drake announced to the world on twitter that he will be joining a twitch streamer Ninja, on Fortnite. That stream destroyed twitches record of the highest live view count on a stream. Later, Drake and Ninja continued play together on the flavor of the month game Fortnite. Drake announced that if Epic Games will put a "hotline bling" dance emote on in Fortnite, he will include Fortnite in his rap songs.

The internet reacted positively, negatively or humorously towards Drake's comment on live stream.  I can agree with all the statements above about Drake's 2015 hit: Hotline Bling. It is a very over exaggerated, catchy and weird choreography pop song, but by being a combinations of all of those demeanor helped the song exploded. After the song released, multiple parodies were made mimicking Drake's dad like dancing. 

Fortnite has not replied to Drake's comment. The most recent marketing brand awareness product was the release of Fortnite Mobile. The success of the mobile version of Fortnite was not a huge success, due to bugs graphics and game play capabilities.  I believe that Fortnite should jump onto Drake's request. 

Drake's last album More Life was released in November 2017 and instantly set a new record for the most streams in an album's first day with 90 million. Epic Games can obtain free Earned Media for their game just by making a simple dance emote request.

If I was the marketing campaign manager for Epic Games, I would reply to the internet and public with "At Epic Games we thank you for playing our game. We are excited to hear the feedback about a new dance emote! We will consider the future possibility and continue to work hard to evolve and expand the game." Providing mystery and wonder to the request, the community will rejoice in what they should expect in future content. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

My First Marketing Assignment or Something Like That

TOPIC 1: ABOUT YOU -- Who's who in BA223-Principles of Marketing this term:

When I enrolled into this course, the thought occurred to me that "I do not know squat about marketing". Yes, this course is required but I was interested in seeing the HOW TO marketing because I know it takes a lot of effort and determination to produce advertisement and media. 

I am currently a business major hopefully to specialize in accounting or finance. I know I work well with numbers but not creative enough to engineer a product to life or create a unique quantum theory about the space time continuum. I've finished accounting and it just makes sense to me. 

I am at heart a nerd, a video game nerd to be exact. I love to explore new games and continue establishing connections with people online through gaming. I have attempted to apply for internships at RIOT Games. They produced League of Legends, a popular battle arena game started in 2011. I made it once to the interview process, RIOT flew me down to Santa Ana, CA all expense paid flight. Unfortunately I was not picked because the guy was way more charismatic then I was and he actually had a tank license. Yes, it is to drive actual tanks from WWII to modern day Abrams.

I am a foodie. I love to explore and adventure new food shops or restaurants. When my family and I go on vacations, we do not go on vacation to relax, we go to eat. My personal motto: I do not eat to live, I live to eat.  

Topic 2:
My article of choice is about a thirty second Heineken ad. The main slogan of the ad is: “lighter is better”. At first no one would question that it is a great model for a refreshing classic light beer, but the Heineken ad continues with the bartender sliding the beer across the room towards a white female. While in transit to the alleged female target, the Heineken bottle slides passed not just one African decent person, but three personnel.

Most of the media backlashed at the alleged racist Heineken commercial because it was unnecessary. Due to the backlash, Heineken withdrew the commercial ad immediately. Heineken had a great track record of portraying unity and diversity through their ads over the years.  

I understand that the whole point of the ad was to make the bottle seem light as a feather. Racing through an eccentric party, because the beer is supposing to be “lighter is better”. But obviously the director did not think it through about how other people might interpret the ad differently than their vision of how “lighter is better”. The slogan was a great pitch because it incorporated the calorie count of the product, trying to make it more of a “healthie” option for beer.

In my opinion, I agree it was unnecessary to have the Heineken bottle slip passed multiple African personnel. The ad would be fine if they did not add multiple African personnel three times in a row. If it was my choice I would have just added random groups of people for the Heineken bottle to pass through. Even better they could have made the ad more comedic and have the bottle passed through a series of cute puppies or kittens. Something to give it more of a finesse and contribute all aspects of entertainment into the commercial ad.